Halloween costume contest
In true Oasis-style team participation, nothing gets the office pumped and festive like throwing money at our employees. On Friday, the office was challenged to wear their best costume to work for a chance to win $100.
As pictured (from left to right), there was Spencer as a monk, Aanchal as a chili pepper, Darren as Nacho Libre, Hayden as Hungry Haven, Lindsay as Mario, Ventura as Waldo, Jocelyne as a cowgirl, and Katherina as Justin Bieber.
You can’t see him, but lazy bonus points went to Asif who claims to have showed up as Invisible Man. Also in the lazy-creative category was Hayden who slapped an H on one of his many hats to dress as Hungry Haven, our in-house mobile app dedicated to competitive eating.
For those who don’t know, Aanchal has been affectionately nicknamed “Chilly” here. Taking that name to heart, she dressed as chili.
But after James’s and Luke’s deliberations, it was Lindsay who took home the prize.
Thanks to all who participated. Hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend!